Monday, August 9, 2010

tonight I pray...

that God in his infinite mercy will be with each and every soul that cries out for his love and compassion.

I have, in the past, prayed to God and received many blessings, so I believe that he is all knowing and that he will carry out his justice on this world.  this world will know that he is God and he is just.  Amen.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

the power of prayer....

is manifest in the story of James Cameron, a black man who escaped a almost certain death; by lynching.

Please read his story.

We must not forget where this country once was, so we can look forward to a better tomorrow


thank God its Sat

Saturday.  This is the day my family and i attend church.  I have not slept all night though and Im not sure if I will be going to church.  I really want to because I think my lil baby enjoys her Sabbath School Class.  Today's lesson: how crows fed the prophet Elijah

so the post-op nurse....

tells my husband: "she's a talker so...."

Only God know what I was babbling about to that poor woman!  I know I asked her if she was Christian and that she answered "yes." And that I followed with "I'd like to thank God." I think she said go ahead.  Im sure she was thinking: what are you telling me for!!  Just do it woman and be quiet!

A couple of days later I shared this with my girlfriend, who, after like 20 years of friendship still has a hard time keeping up with my excited banter, when Im excited! and my confusing psycho-babble, when i feel like being mysterious and complex.  Her response: that nurse is probably used to people like you, so dont even worry about it.  Very true and practical.  thanks Jen